Nature medicine Japan

ONLINE ISSN 2433-7897
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Introductions of Nature medicine Japan

Nature medicine Japan (ONLINE ISSN2433-7897) is an online semi-annual Journal indexed in the National Diet Library , Japan. The founder is Jin Xuelong, PhD. , graduated from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. The Journal receives papers from the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biomedical engineering, and public health. We hope to establish a platform to realize the communication of medical researchers and promote the progress of the world medical field.

The publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

1. Editorial Board

l   The editorial board of Nature medicine Japan is composed of well-known experts in medicine. The full names and affiliations of the Editorial Board members are available on the website. The E-mail address for the editorial department of Nature medicine Japan is Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

l   The editors of Natural medicine Japan are responsible for determining the publication dates of articles submitted

l   The editors of Natural medicine Japan will strictly evaluate submissions for academic content, regardless of race, gender,ethnicity, ethical origin, political philosophy, the author's religious beliefs or sexual orientation

l   The editors of Natural medicine Japan shall not disclose any information about the submission to anyone other than stakeholders

l   Unpublished manuscripts or material may not beused to edit one's own research

l   The editors of Nature medicine Japan will reject manuscripts without formal peer review if they consider them unsuitable for publication or not in the journal domain;

l   The editors of Nature medicine Japan should make all reasonable efforts to process the submitted manuscripts in a timely and effective manner.

2. Authors and Authors responsibilities

l   All manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication free of charge.

l   Nature medicine Japan does not charge any fees for manuscript processing and/or published material in 2021. According to the needs of the development of the journal, the chief editor solicits the opinions of the editorial board and reviewers, and then makes the final judgment every year. In the future, Nature medicine Japan may charge some fees when necessary. If any adjustment is needed, the adjusted information will be published on the website in advance. The paper will be published after the author agrees to the consent to publish.

l   The author must ensure that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere. Authors should not submit the same manuscript tomultiple publications at once.

l   The author must obtain the necessary permission to reproduce any illustrations or other published material. Authors should ensure that any image, picture, text or material reproduced in the article is copyrighted. Nature medicine Japan is not responsible for any copyright infringement.

l   If authors discover material errors or inaccuracies in their published work, they are obliged to promptly notify the journal editor and work with them to withdraw or correct the work.

l   All the authors made significant contributions to the study.

l   Authors should clearly state a list of references and financial support.

l   Authors must ensure that their work is original and that any work or text from other authors, contributors or sources has been properly noted and cited.

l      All theses published in Nature medicine Japan represent the opinions of the authors and do not represent the opinions of Nature medicine Japan. The authors are responsible for their theses.

3. Peer-review process

l    In the process of receiving papers and reviewing them, a peer-review system will be implemented, with two experts deciding whether to publish them or not.

l   Peer reviews should maintain the principle of objectivity. Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on content, regardless of theauthor's race, age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, citizenship, political orientation, or social class.

l   If reviewers are aware of copyright infringementor plagiarism, they should report it to the editorial board in a timely manner

l   Reviewers should not have conflicts of interest.

l   Reviewers should indicate relevant published work that has not yet been cited.

l   The reviewed articles shall be kept confidential. Manuscripts received for review must be kept confidential: Information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used forpersonal benefit.

4. Publication ethics

l   Nature medicine Japan will conduct effective review of manuscripts to prevent publication of inappropriate research behavior.

l   If Nature medicine Japan becomes aware of any allegation of research misconduct, it will promptly deal with the allegation in anappropriate manner.

l   Nature medicine Japan has guidelines when retractions or corrections are required.

l   To ensure a high level of quality in scientific publications, the editors of Nature medicine Japan are always willing to publish corrections

5. Copyright and Access

l   Nature medicine Japan (ONLINE ISSN2433-7897) is an onlinesemi-annual Journal indexed in the National Diet Library, Japan. The author agrees to transfer his copyrights to the Nature medicine Japan if the article has been accepted for publication by Nature medicine Japan. The Nature medicine Japan has the rights for, but not limited to compilation, publication, reproduction, interpretation, E-publication, and worldwide transmission of the article in whole or in part, while permitting to be include in, searched and used by retrieval systems such as Internet or databases in the world, or to be published and used in other languages via different media existing or arising later in the way.

6. Ownership and management

l   The editor-in-chief of Nature medicine Japan is Professor Jin Xuelong. The editorial board is responsible for the management of the journal.

7. Publishing schedule

l   Nature medicine Japan is a semi-annual publication as described in the introduction.

8. Name of journal

l   Nature medicine Japan is different from any other journal. To the best of my knowledge, we think our journal is unique. In particular, in order to distinguish from other journals and maintain the uniqueness and exclusionary property, the unique serial number (ONLINE ISSN2433-7897) will be marked after the name of the journal, so that the author will not misunderstand.


     All theses published in Nature medicine Japan represent the opinions of the authors and do not represent those of Nature medicine Japan. The authors are responsible for their theses.

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